Monday, December 20, 2010


It was a rainy evening in Santa Cruz last Saturday night. It also rained the Holy Spirit inside the Circle Church.

Margaret and I got to minister there, filling in for Rev. Neil Sundblad, a radical Holy Spirit Rivalist and Evangelist who was in New Zealand at that time. Wow! His meetings there have GOT to be a blast. Gary, who organized things for us to minister in Neil's place while he was gone, told us Neil had a woman's blind eyes opened by a word of knowledge in New Zealand....way to go Neil!!! (and the Holy Spirit) Yea God!

BTW you can view Neil's web site at:

God is using Neil wonderfully.


In Santa Cruz, Margaret and I got to minister about Healing, how to pray and command healing and then we had a time of impartation for those who wanted it.

We had our own set of healing blessings. We demonstrated how to command healing to the group that remained after the service which was pretty much everyone. We prayed and saw results for:

The wife of a Pastor.
She had a burning that had been in her shoulders since she was thirteen years old. We did the Mark 16:17-18 command, laid hands on her and the pain went away in her right shoulder. We continued to speak to the left shoulder and the pain was dramatically reduced to near "0" . Again we are finding that persistence is important. Just praying once may indeed work but pressing in to see final results takes time, a desire to see the promised result and a commitment for the good of the person being prayed for.

The Pastor - Lower back pain
The Pastor had low lumbar pain, slipped disks. We prayed for him and he began to shake gently and then take several deep breaths. There was a sense of heat in both Margaret's left hand and my right. Finally we stepped back and the Pastor was smiling a broad, happy smile. He said he was healed. Praise God! God loves his Pastors. Thank you Lord!

Man with Allergy to Wheat
This dear man contracted a sudden allergy to wheat products that causes his lower intestine to have pain, his energy to drain and loose strength among other side effects. We commanded the healing and he suddenly felt "light" as if a weight had left. We had no way to determine a healing but both Margaret and I had a sharp sense of "knowing" that the healing had taken place. We are waiting for the good report.

Neil's Good Friend - Back pain
He had a lower level of back pain but wanted it gone so we honored his request and prayed for him. By the time we were done he was moving his back more freely looking like someone about to do the limbo.

Our goal in the meeting was to impart, to encourage and to teach so as to give a structure for success in commanding healing. Everyone who knows the Lord can pray for the sick, Amen!

And the best part was that just before we left we saw a woman we had just imparted to praying for someone else....Spiritual Fathers and Mothers love it when there children step out in faith.
We had twelve people come forward for impartation including one Pastor.

The Gospel is power in Jesus name.

Thank you God for showing your real love through real deeds on the earth.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Joe McCaulley. I am very proud of both of you. Keep the good work for the Lord.
