Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Holy Spirit is On the Move !

Hello Friends,

I wanted to share how thrilled we are that we are seeing God do here in our church in California what we saw him to in Brazil.

Margaret and I spoke at our church last Sunday and used plenty of testimonies and video we shot of the Brazil trip. We had seen three people in Brazil cured of either near blindness or total blindness in one or both eyes. After we finished speaking an older woman, whom we found out later had a stroke that caused both eyes to blur so she could not read a book or see a TV monitor to read it, shot up and began shouting and waving her arms like people did in Brazil.

She said, "I can read that TV screen, I can read what it says!"

Turned out God did exactly what we saw him do in Brazil, a sovereign healing. The woman's left eye was healed to such an extent that she could now read the monitors and, for the first time in years is now able to read her Bible. She had been told that her eyes would NEVER recover so she would not be able to read books or read at distances. Her vision in her left eye is now clear. She is SO happy, and we are so grateful....more Lord Jesus, more!

We also prayed for a young lady whose left foot had been badly bruised and swollen in two almost identical sports accidents. She had pain when the foot was touched and could only wear loose shoes or sandals. Margaret and I prayed for her and commanded the pain to leave and the swelling to go down. Her pain left immediately and we tested it to be sure. I talked with her mom yesterday and the young lady is now back to sports and has no pain and hardly any trace of the bruise.

Another dear lady in our church had an allergic reaction that was causing pain on the left side of her face. As prayer was given she said she felt a warmth on that spot on her face. She also was healed as that reaction dissapated and things returned to normal that day.

Gloria Deus!

Your can see two video testimonies for the first two healings below.
The speaker is Pastor Brad Allen of Victory International Church.

The church we attend is
Victory International Church.
1730 S. Amphlett Blvd., Suite 110
San Mateo, Ca.
(650) 655- 4748
Pastors Brad and Gigi Allen

See the Attached videos...the first is the healing of a bruised foot, the second is the sovereign healing of blurred vision due to stroke. Thank you Holy Spirit

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Miracles and Renewed Minds in Brazil

We just returned home from Brazil where we have seen more of the supernatural power of God to heal, restore and deliver than we had ever seen in our lives as Christians.

We went to Brazil on a healing missions trip to the three cities of Sao Paulo, Barretos and Uberlandia. We ministered with the Global Awakening team at Four Square, Evangelical and independent churches. The largest church was the “Shalom” church in Uberlandia that had a Sunday night service attendance of approximately 2500 people.

Thank you to all of you who prayed for us!

This trip went beyond our expectations and the Lord Jesus demonstrated his love through his miraculous acts at every one of the churches in the three cities we went to. The worship in every church was off the charts. These people love to praise and worship, they expect God to show up and he does.

The Brazilian Christians were so gracious and giving and so appreciative of our ministry to them. In all the churches their welcoming hearts blessed us greatly. We saw genuine miracles and were privileged to be used by the Lord to command healing to many, to counter the effects of witchcraft (Macumba) and literally saw the blind go away seeing and those physically impaired be healed. What we saw was the authentic Gospel - the first century Gospel - the Book of Acts Gospel today. We went to Brazil wanting breakthrough and the Lord graciously gave it to us.

Why did we go? Because we believe there is a God that seeks to manifest his nature and his love through his power to the benefit of his children. And this is most often demonstrated through healing. We wanted our experience to match our theology. “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me the works I do they will do also, and greater works than these because I go to the Father.” John 14:12.

From the very first day we were seeing people healed in the name of Jesus.

On that very first day a man named Alexander who had gone deaf due to diabetes had his ear opened and he could hear after Margaret and I spoke healing to it in Jesus’ name.

Another day, Margaret and I prayed for a woman who had fallen down some stairs and the accident left a large, hard and swollen lump on the left side of her left ankle. After finding out what happened both Margaret and I laid hands on it and commanded the lump to dissolve and the pain to leave her. Immediately we felt a change in the lump, it was like air had come out of it. It was no longer hard but soft and could be pressed. The pain began to leave and we continued to command the healing in Jesus name. Finally the woman was 100% healed and left rejoicing and bouncing up and down on both feet. The next day she brought a friend for prayer. Many woman and girls were wonderfully prayed for by Margaret, they seemed drawn to her.

At the last city we went to, Margaret prayed for a man who worked on the AV team at the Shalom Church in Uberlandia. The man had pins in his ankle due to an injury 10 years ago. Because of this he could not run, do a treadmill etc. She prayed for him and he said, “I am going to go outside and run!” He did and was dramatically healed. The next day he went to the gym and his personal trainer saw him on the treadmill and asked him, “Renato, you never do that! How can you do that now?” And Renato got to tell him why. (The video testimony of this will be posted on our web site.)

And these healings were only a few of many. In many cities we saw people healed sovereignly by the Holy Spirit during worship or by Words of Knowledge given by the Global Ministry team we were part of.

For reasons only the Lord knows, he used us for the healing of those with very impaired sight or who were totally blind. In two days’ time, three men were healed of being either totally blind or legally blind.

On each occasion we spoke to the infirmity, cursing it and commanding it to dissolve, to be removed from that person and then commanded healing of the eye(s) in Jesus’ name. We tested the before and after condition of each person prayed for and where possible got confirmation from family or friends.


#1. In a church in Sao Paulo a man named Antonio had 20-30% vision in his right eye and because of it he could not drive a car.
We cursed the condition in Jesus’ name and commanded it to dissolve and commanded the eye to be fully functional. Immediately Antonio felt a change and an improvement in his eye sight. We thanked the Lord and continued to speak healing to it. We continued to press in, repeating our measures against the condition and each time there was improvement. Finally we got to where he was 95% healed. He left rejoicing and planning to get a new driver’s license.

#2. Leonardo was totally blind in the Right Eye.
He came to the Shalom Church in Uberlandia with his wife and her Pastor. Leonardo had been bitten by an insect 5 years ago on his right eye and had the cornea of that eye replaced by transplant surgery. The surgery had been a failure. He came to church that night wanting to receive salvation and to be delivered from the spirit of witchcraft. After Joe led him to Jesus as his Savior, we broke the witchcraft spirit of Macumba from him. Then we cursed the eye condition and commanded it to dissolve and for his eye to be open in Jesus’ name. He was now 100% healed and could see perfectly out of the formerly blind right eye.

Below is the link for Global Awakening in Brazil with the video of Leonardo’s testimony.
(See Vision for a New Believer)

#3. Another man from the Shalom Church in Uberlandia was Walterveeno who had glaucoma in both eyes for the past 18 years.
His eye condition was so bad that he could not see at all and had to be led everywhere he went.
With him were his wife and his son, Junior, and his family. Leonardo and his wife had only been married for three months and he had never been able to see her face.

Again in this case we came against the conditions. After our first command for healing against it he could see the letters on the interpreter's shirt. We praised God. This also became a great teaching opportunity to the people waiting in line behind him for prayer. Joe asked them to pray with us. We were representing Christ, standing in his place against the devil's work. (Acts 10:38)

We commanded again and this time he could read the signs above the church platform which he could not see before. We pressed in and commanded healing to him six times until he could see through both eyes for the first time in 18 years and each time there was improvement. We continued to speak healing until his vision was restored to 100%. The light was very bright for him since he had not seen for 18 years so he was blinking a lot but he had clear vision in both eyes.

He was very happy to see his wife’s face for the very first time. They wept for joy at the goodness of God and the whole family rejoiced.

I know we will have more to share later.

We are so grateful to the Lord for all he taught us on this trip, and for all the people we met and ministered to and with. He allowed us to experience things that had been the desire of our hearts for many years - experiencing his miraculous acts and seeing people healed and set free from bondages.

More Lord Jesus, More of You.


Joe and Margaret

Redemption & Triumph Ministries

Redemption & Triumph Ministries
Website :
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“…..The authentic Gospel, the first century Gospel, the Book of Acts Gospel today”

(Copyright 2010 JVMcCauley)

(Copyright 2010 JVMcCauley)