Well January 2011 was a fun month in the Spirit!
Our Pastors, Brad and Gigi Allen asked us to do a four part series on Healing at our church, Victory International in San Mateo, Ca. We had a blast and from it had people from the class bring healing to others. The Gift of Healing is so precious and the Lord is so good to allow us to pass it on to others.
Our Pastors, Brad and Gigi Allen asked us to do a four part series on Healing at our church, Victory International in San Mateo, Ca. We had a blast and from it had people from the class bring healing to others. The Gift of Healing is so precious and the Lord is so good to allow us to pass it on to others.
We ministered at the home of a dear friend in Half Moon Bay, Ca. and found out the following. One man there, his wife has been dealing with liver cancer. We had prayed for him as "stand in for her". This was in November. He told us when we saw him this time that the next day his wife went to the doctor and he found that "there was no cancer in her blood." Which was great news. We prayed again for his wife's liver.
We continued to see healings in our after service prayer times.
At the begining of the month God touched a man who had a long-term (almost 1 year) pain in his left heal. As we spoke to the pain and commanded it to leave he said he felt a warmth in his heal. We went after it a second time and he felt the pain melt away.
At the same service the Lord allowed us to pray for a great minister friend of our who had sprained his knee. Again when prayed for he felt "a ton of heat" come into his knee and he was healed. He needed that knee so he could play soccer.
Later in February we prayed over the phone for the thumbs of a relative of ours who was having pain perhaps from arthritis. We had them hold one thumb at a time while holding the phone. Her right thumb was healed and the pain dramatically went away. We then prayed for the left thumb but did not get the same results. We planned to come at it again at another time. Hey 50% improvement over NO improvement is good anytime. The fact that it is taking place is what is so supernaturally natural in the Lord. Thank you Jesus!
We had two precious young early teenagers accept Jesus as their Savior. At a recent after service prayer time a young girl came forward asking for prayer to stop her having bad dreams that kept reoccuring. Margaret felt led to ask her about the Lord and in short order she had accepted the Lord Jesus. Then Praise God, her boy friend also accepted the Lord.
March should be awesome......
Blessings in Christ,
Joe and Margaret McCauley