Hello, hello.
I had the fun of being able to go to the Hem of His Garment Healing Conference at Bethel Church in Redding, California. I needed a time of refreshing and renewal. I was really seeking God for a number of things.
The conference itself was so worth the effort, time and money. Cal Pierce and his wife Michele were there. They were called by God to re-fire up the healing rooms of John. G. Lake in Spokane, Washington. They did this in the '90s starting at the same address Lake had started his and stayed there three years as their ministry expand. Now they have 1000 healing rooms globally.
Bill Johnson, Chris Gore and Joaquin Evans were the featured speakers all brought the renewed vision of HIS presence active in us today, in the here and now.
#1. The daughter of a family who are friends of mine called a drowned child from the dead.
This gal, Stephanie and her husband Jonathan were near the pool at their hotel. Jonathan had gone back inside for something and while he was gone, there was a scream as a relative of a young black boy (about 3) saw the boy on the bottom of the pool. He was brought out and Emergency was called. The ER people worked on him with nothing happening, people crying-weeping and distress all around. Nothing happened, so the ER people stepped back, as the boy was ashen and not responding. Stephanie, in her early 20’s, slight, blond and blue eyed came up to the child and began to command his life to come back in Jesus name. Suddenly many people began praying. Jonathan, who came up to the crowd just before Stephanie began to speak over the boy told me that he was able to see the reactions of the people around him. Everything began to change from fear to hope and determination as Stephanie unknowingly led people in commanding life back to the little boy. Her focus was the boy and what Jesus could do. The boy still looking ashen did not respond for some five minutes or so but Stephanie kept going. Suddenly his eyes opened wide and he spit out water and began coughing. Everyone was stunned and then joyful. Jesus got the praise.
Stephanie was then told by her mother the next day that as her mother was sitting near the pool relaxing (the day after this event) she overheard one side of a conversation an older black woman, perhaps the grandmother of the child, had with someone on the phone. She was saying, “he was dead, not moving”. So another honor to Jesus !!!!
Jesus plus Stephanie was more than enough.
#2. Anthony, a man from Ghana who was 85% deaf in his left ear was healed, right next to me, by a called out word of knowledge.
We were having a teaching session and the speaker, Joaquin Evans who is the director of the healing rooms stopped suddenly in response to the Holy Spirit and had a word of knowledge that people with deft left ears were healed, that the Holy Spirit was doing that right then. He than asked for people to raise their hands. Anthony, a precious black man from Ghana stood there a moment, touched his left ear and then raised his hand. He was called up and gave his testimony.
He had been that way since his youth. And he said he could not hear anyone from that side unless they were very close to him, and he could never use his cell phone from that ear.
#3 Words of Knowledge and Prophecies I gave through the Holy Spirit.
I had two incredible words of knowledge for an incredible artist named Francesco and the young singer who turned out to be his girl, Suzanne. They were life changing words about their future and the ability to portray the spirit realm (for him) and minister healing in music (for her) and they were confirmations in many points of prior words. The day I left, Saturday I kept passing a blond woman who had apparently come for the healing rooms. I felt suddenly what she was feeling. There was a fear, a despair and need for answers that God allowed me to sense as I saw or walked by her. Our paths cross three times in the coffee shop and book store. Finally she left and went to the parking lot. It was then that the Holy Spirit put the pressure on and I knew I had to go speak his prophetic word over her. I found her in her car getting ready to leave. I introduced myself and told her I had a word for her. It was right on and met her need. She came for healing she said and to "reconnect to God." God reconnected through his word to her. I was so privileged to be used in that way.
#4 The Holy Spirit personally ministered to me through three different people in prophetic words and word of knowledge that specifically addressed issues on my heart.
I had the fun of being able to go to the Hem of His Garment Healing Conference at Bethel Church in Redding, California. I needed a time of refreshing and renewal. I was really seeking God for a number of things.
The conference itself was so worth the effort, time and money. Cal Pierce and his wife Michele were there. They were called by God to re-fire up the healing rooms of John. G. Lake in Spokane, Washington. They did this in the '90s starting at the same address Lake had started his and stayed there three years as their ministry expand. Now they have 1000 healing rooms globally.
Bill Johnson, Chris Gore and Joaquin Evans were the featured speakers all brought the renewed vision of HIS presence active in us today, in the here and now.
#1. The daughter of a family who are friends of mine called a drowned child from the dead.
This gal, Stephanie and her husband Jonathan were near the pool at their hotel. Jonathan had gone back inside for something and while he was gone, there was a scream as a relative of a young black boy (about 3) saw the boy on the bottom of the pool. He was brought out and Emergency was called. The ER people worked on him with nothing happening, people crying-weeping and distress all around. Nothing happened, so the ER people stepped back, as the boy was ashen and not responding. Stephanie, in her early 20’s, slight, blond and blue eyed came up to the child and began to command his life to come back in Jesus name. Suddenly many people began praying. Jonathan, who came up to the crowd just before Stephanie began to speak over the boy told me that he was able to see the reactions of the people around him. Everything began to change from fear to hope and determination as Stephanie unknowingly led people in commanding life back to the little boy. Her focus was the boy and what Jesus could do. The boy still looking ashen did not respond for some five minutes or so but Stephanie kept going. Suddenly his eyes opened wide and he spit out water and began coughing. Everyone was stunned and then joyful. Jesus got the praise.
Stephanie was then told by her mother the next day that as her mother was sitting near the pool relaxing (the day after this event) she overheard one side of a conversation an older black woman, perhaps the grandmother of the child, had with someone on the phone. She was saying, “he was dead, not moving”. So another honor to Jesus !!!!
Jesus plus Stephanie was more than enough.
#2. Anthony, a man from Ghana who was 85% deaf in his left ear was healed, right next to me, by a called out word of knowledge.
We were having a teaching session and the speaker, Joaquin Evans who is the director of the healing rooms stopped suddenly in response to the Holy Spirit and had a word of knowledge that people with deft left ears were healed, that the Holy Spirit was doing that right then. He than asked for people to raise their hands. Anthony, a precious black man from Ghana stood there a moment, touched his left ear and then raised his hand. He was called up and gave his testimony.
He had been that way since his youth. And he said he could not hear anyone from that side unless they were very close to him, and he could never use his cell phone from that ear.
#3 Words of Knowledge and Prophecies I gave through the Holy Spirit.
I had two incredible words of knowledge for an incredible artist named Francesco and the young singer who turned out to be his girl, Suzanne. They were life changing words about their future and the ability to portray the spirit realm (for him) and minister healing in music (for her) and they were confirmations in many points of prior words. The day I left, Saturday I kept passing a blond woman who had apparently come for the healing rooms. I felt suddenly what she was feeling. There was a fear, a despair and need for answers that God allowed me to sense as I saw or walked by her. Our paths cross three times in the coffee shop and book store. Finally she left and went to the parking lot. It was then that the Holy Spirit put the pressure on and I knew I had to go speak his prophetic word over her. I found her in her car getting ready to leave. I introduced myself and told her I had a word for her. It was right on and met her need. She came for healing she said and to "reconnect to God." God reconnected through his word to her. I was so privileged to be used in that way.
#4 The Holy Spirit personally ministered to me through three different people in prophetic words and word of knowledge that specifically addressed issues on my heart.
He also, for the first time in my life used a prophetic picture drawn by someone during one of the sessions.
#5. The also was an anointing, an impartation that left me flat on the floor laughing for 30 minutes.
If I learned one thing from this conference is was to tune myself, position myself to remaining in his presence. From there everything flows, everything works because his power is backing his will and purpose for that moment. His word through me as I am sensitive to him brings that gospel confirming power. That his love overcoming me can overcome any seen reality. His reality, his kingdom trumps this inferior kingdom.
I needed this. I needed to be re-calibrated and refreshed.
Praise God for the Holy Spirit today.
Acts 10:38
#5. The also was an anointing, an impartation that left me flat on the floor laughing for 30 minutes.
If I learned one thing from this conference is was to tune myself, position myself to remaining in his presence. From there everything flows, everything works because his power is backing his will and purpose for that moment. His word through me as I am sensitive to him brings that gospel confirming power. That his love overcoming me can overcome any seen reality. His reality, his kingdom trumps this inferior kingdom.
I needed this. I needed to be re-calibrated and refreshed.
Praise God for the Holy Spirit today.
Acts 10:38