Hello and Welcome to Redemption and Triumph !!
This is the Blog for Joseph V. McCauley
This Blog will present the teaching, thoughts, comments and commentary of Joseph McCauley. I'm a born again Christian, graduate of Victory Bible School in San Mateo, California and I love the Lord Jesus passionately and not quietly. Professionally I am a consultant to high-technology companies in supply chain management practices. My heart is ministry. There is a great and eternal message that God has given us and has given me and I want to proclaim it all of my days.
Today I am starting a planned weekly on-going blog update.
The man writing this believes the Bible is the only word of God, settled in heaven and meant to be applied to our daily lives. The "Word" (Jesus) spoke the word (the revelation of God in the Bible) and that word when connected with a heart of faith-believing what it says- changes the world. "This is the victory that overcomes the world-even our faith." I John 5:14. The Holy Spirit is for today-now- in your and my reality. He is here to empower us to bring God's message of love, of life, of Divine morality and compassionate power for change.
My first topic will be the name of this Blog, that is "Redemption & Triumph".
Redemption and Triumph sum up two goals God had in mind for mankind when He started it all - "In the Beginning". Redemption and Triumph are THE reasons Jesus Christ appeared. What is so very cool is that God had it planned from the start. He knew that we would need a Savior.
Genesis 3:15 tells us how God told the Devil that a man coming from the woman would "crush his head". Seeing this in light of the New Testament shows us Jesus as the perfect fulfillment of that prophetic word. In Christ everything changes for the better. I Corinthians 5:17 - "if any man be in Christ he is a NEW creation."
One does not need a Biblical view of life to see that the world here, although wonderful in many ways is flawed and can be painful, abusive and destructive. '"The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy..." John 10:10. something had to be done about it and God did it over two thousand years ago. God as man stepped onto the table of human history for you and for me. He brought the man Christ Jesus so we could experience Redemption and Triumph every day and in every life - including yours. What you are now is not what you can be in Christ. There is so very much more when you live with and for Jesus ....... More to follow...
I welcome your inputs and comments.
Joseph McCauley
(Romans 5:17 - "For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man (Adam), HOW MUCH MORE will those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ."
P.S. My church is Victory International Church in San Mateo, California., 1730 Amphlett Blvd., # 110, San Mateo, Ca. -COME JOIN US at 10:00 a.m. every Sunday.